
There are 4 kinds of resources in the game: energy, minerals, power, and commodities. Resources can be harvested, processed, traded on the market, carried by creeps, and stored in structures. All resource kinds have different purposes, and you start playing only with access to the most basic one: energy.


Where to get: a Source in almost any room.
How to get: send a creep with a WORK part and harvest it.
Needed for: spawning creeps, building structures.

Energy is the main construction material in the Screeps world. Your base works on energy, so harvesting plenty of it is vital for any colony. You can harvest energy not only in your home room, but also in other rooms remotely to increase energy income.


Where to get: a Mineral in almost any room.
How to get: build a StructureExtractor, send a creep with a WORK part, and harvest it.
Needed for: boosting creeps' capabilities, and also for producing trade commodities.

By mining and processing minerals, you can significantly speed up your economy and boost the effectiveness of your creeps.

Working with minerals consists of 3 steps:


There are 7 types of base minerals shown in the picture below.

Each room contains only one mineral type, so in order to handle them effectively you need either access to several suitable rooms or trade relationships with other players.

A mineral deposit is located in a room at a spot marked by a special symbol. To start mining the deposit, you need to construct the special structure Extractor on top of it (available at Room Controller Level 6). Upon building it, you can start applying the method harvest to the deposit thus mining the corresponding mineral in the same way you harvest energy.

Mineral compounds

Base minerals are useless on their own. In order to impart some useful capabilities to them, you have to combine them according to special formulas in the structure called Lab.

One reaction requires three labs: two as reagent sources, and the third one as the produce collector. The labs should be within the range of 2 squares from each other. One lab cannot contain more than one mineral type at the same time.

var labs = room.find(FIND_MY_STRUCTURES, 
    {filter: {structureType: STRUCTURE_LAB}});

labs[0].runReaction(labs[1], labs[2]);

// on the next tick...

console.log(labs[0].mineralType) // -> OH
console.log(labs[1].mineralType) // -> O
console.log(labs[2].mineralType) // -> H

Creep boosts

Apart from running chemical reactions with minerals, a lab can use resulting compounds to permanently upgrade your creeps boosting their specific properties.

Each compound is applied to one body part of the creep of a certain type using the StructureLab.boostCreep method according to the table below and boosts the effectiveness of one of the actions of this creep. The boosted part works as two, three, or even four corresponding parts. To boost the whole creep, you need to boost all its parts of the given type.

Boosting one body part takes 30 mineral compound units and 20 energy units. One body part can be boosted only with one compound type.

Mineral compounds (click to expand)
Name Formula Time Body part Effect
Base compounds
hydroxide + 20
zynthium keanite + 5
utrium lemergite + 5
ghodium + 5
Tier 1 compounds
utrium hydride + 10 ATTACK +100% attack effectiveness
utrium oxide + 10 WORK +200% harvest effectiveness
keanium hydride + 10 CARRY +50 capacity
keanium oxide + 10 RANGED_ATTACK +100% rangedAttack and rangedMassAttack effectiveness
lemergium hydride + 15 WORK +50% repair and build effectiveness without increasing the energy cost
lemergium oxide + 10 HEAL +100% heal and rangedHeal effectiveness
zynthium hydride + 20 WORK +100% dismantle effectiveness
zynthium oxide + 10 MOVE +100% fatigue decrease speed
ghodium hydride + 10 WORK +50% upgradeController effectiveness without increasing the energy cost
ghodium oxide + 10 TOUGH -30% damage taken
Tier 2 compounds
utrium acid + 5 ATTACK +200% attack effectiveness
utrium alkalide + 5 WORK +400% harvest effectiveness
keanium acid + 5 CARRY +100 capacity
keanium alkalide + 5 RANGED_ATTACK +200% rangedAttack and rangedMassAttack effectiveness
lemergium acid + 10 WORK +80% repair and build effectiveness without increasing the energy cost
lemergium alkalide + 5 HEAL +200% heal and rangedHeal effectiveness
zynthium acid + 40 WORK +200% dismantle effectiveness
zynthium alkalide + 5 MOVE +200% fatigue decrease speed
ghodium acid + 15 WORK +80% upgradeController effectiveness without increasing the energy cost
ghodium alkalide + 30 TOUGH -50% damage taken
Tier 3 compounds
catalyzed utrium acid + 60 ATTACK +300% attack effectiveness
catalyzed utrium alkalide + 60 WORK +600% harvest effectiveness
catalyzed keanium acid + 60 CARRY +150 capacity
catalyzed keanium alkalide + 60 RANGED_ATTACK +300% rangedAttack and rangedMassAttack effectiveness
catalyzed lemergium acid + 65 WORK +100% repair and build effectiveness without increasing the energy cost
catalyzed lemergium alkalide + 60 HEAL +300% heal and rangedHeal effectiveness
catalyzed zynthium acid + 160 WORK +300% dismantle effectiveness
catalyzed zynthium alkalide + 60 MOVE +300% fatigue decrease speed
catalyzed ghodium acid + 80 WORK +100% upgradeController effectiveness without increasing the energy cost
catalyzed ghodium alkalide + 150 TOUGH -70% damage taken


Where to get: a Deposit in "highway" rooms.
How to get: send a creep with a WORK part and harvest it.
Needed for: producing trade commodities and earning credits.

Trade commodities are resources that NPC market traders are most interested in. These resources have no other purpose other than to be sold and generate credits. Producing high-level commodities is the most profitable business in the game.


You harvest raw commodities from a Deposit in "highway" rooms that divide living sectors on the map. There are 4 types of raw resources: Metal, Silicon, Biomass, Mist. They are distributed unevenly across the world map: one resource type per map quadrant (NW, NE, SW, SE).

Unlike minerals, these deposits exhaust as you harvest them: the more you harvest, the longer cooldown becomes. They vanish when you stop harvesting it after some time, and reappear elsewhere nearby. Also, a new deposit will appear in the sector if all other deposits are exhausted below some level.

Basic commodities

Selling raw resources may be not very profitable. This is why it's a better idea to build a Factory (available at RCL 7) in order to produce more complex commodities.

A newly built factory has no level which means it can produce just a few basic commodities out of all kinds of existing resources ("any level" tier in the tables below). They also can be used to store resources in a "compressed" form.

Compressing commodities (click to expand)
Utrium bar × 100Any levelUtrium × 500
Energy × 200
20 ticks
Lemergium bar × 100Any levelLemergium × 500
Energy × 200
20 ticks
Zynthium bar × 100Any levelZynthium × 500
Energy × 200
20 ticks
Keanium bar × 100Any levelKeanium × 500
Energy × 200
20 ticks
Ghodium melt × 100Any levelGhodium × 500
Energy × 200
20 ticks
Oxidant × 100Any levelOxygen × 500
Energy × 200
20 ticks
Reductant × 100Any levelHydrogen × 500
Energy × 200
20 ticks
Purifier × 100Any levelCatalyst × 500
Energy × 200
20 ticks
Battery × 50Any levelEnergy × 60010 ticks

You can decompress to recover raw resources when you need them.

Decompressing commodities (click to expand)
Utrium × 500Any levelUtrium bar × 100
Energy × 200
20 ticks
Lemergium × 500Any levelLemergium bar × 100
Energy × 200
20 ticks
Zynthium × 500Any levelZynthium bar × 100
Energy × 200
20 ticks
Keanium × 500Any levelKeanium bar × 100
Energy × 200
20 ticks
Ghodium × 500Any levelGhodium melt × 100
Energy × 200
20 ticks
Oxygen × 500Any levelOxidant × 100
Energy × 200
20 ticks
Hydrogen × 500Any levelReductant × 100
Energy × 200
20 ticks
Catalyst × 500Any levelPurifier × 100
Energy × 200
20 ticks
Energy × 500Any levelBattery × 5010 ticks

When you gain access to regional deposit resources, you can start producing additional basic commodities from them.

Basic regional commodities (click to expand)
Wire × 20Any levelUtrium bar × 20
Silicon × 100
Energy × 40
8 ticks
Cell × 20Any levelLemergium bar × 20
Biomass × 100
Energy × 40
8 ticks
Alloy × 20Any levelZynthium bar × 20
Metal × 100
Energy × 40
8 ticks
Condensate × 20Any levelKeanium bar × 20
Mist × 100
Energy × 40
8 ticks

All commodities above can be produced in a factory of any level.

Higher commodities

The full use of factories is possible with Operators only, and their OPERATE_FACTORY power. When an Operator uses this power on a factory without a level, the level of the factory is permanently set to the level of the power, and the same effect is applied on the factory. It enables the factory to produce commodities of the corresponding level. The factory can only produce commodities of exactly the same level, or "any level" commodities. Once set, the factory level cannot be changed. When the effect duration ends, the factory simply becomes inactive, but its level remains the same ("any level" commodities are still available though). You need an Operator with the same power level to reactivate it again. Another level cannot be applied, the only way to change the factory level is to rebuild it.

Each of high-level commodities requires lower level commodities to be produced which forms production chains. There are four production chains, one for each of new resource types: Mechanical (consumes Metal), Electronical (consumes Silicon), Biological (consumes Biomass), and Mystical (consumes Mist), as well as common components. These commodities have the most lucrative prices on the market.

Common higher commodities (click to expand)
Composite × 20Lvl 1Utrium bar × 20
Zynthium bar × 20
Energy × 20
50 ticks
Crystal × 6Lvl 2Lemergium bar × 6
Keanium bar × 6
Purifier × 6
Energy × 45
21 ticks
Liquid × 12Lvl 3Oxidant × 12
Reductant × 12
Ghodium melt × 12
Energy × 90
60 ticks
Mechanical chain (click to expand)
Tube × 2Lvl 1Alloy × 40
Zynthium bar × 16
Energy × 8
45 ticks
FixturesLvl 2Composite × 20
Alloy × 41
Oxidant × 161
Energy × 8
115 ticks
FrameLvl 3Fixtures × 2
Tube × 4
Reductant × 330
Zynthium bar × 31
Energy × 16
125 ticks
HydraulicsLvl 4Liquid × 150
Fixtures × 3
Tube × 15
Purifier × 208
Energy × 32
800 ticks
MachineLvl 5Hydraulics × 1
Frame × 2
Fixtures × 3
Tube × 12
Energy × 64
600 ticks
Biological chain (click to expand)
Phlegm × 2Lvl 1Cell × 20
Oxidant × 36
Lemergium bar × 16
Energy × 8
35 ticks
Tissue × 2Lvl 2Phlegm × 10
Cell × 10
Reductant × 110
Energy × 16
164 ticks
MuscleLvl 3Tissue × 3
Phlegm × 3
Zynthium bar × 50
Reductant × 50
Energy × 16
250 ticks
OrganoidLvl 4Muscle × 1
Tissue × 5
Purifier × 208
Oxidant × 256
Energy × 32
800 ticks
OrganismLvl 5Organoid × 1
Liquid × 150
Tissue × 6
Cell × 310
Energy × 64
600 ticks
Electronical chain (click to expand)
Switch × 5Lvl 1Wire × 40
Oxidant × 95
Utrium bar × 35
Energy × 20
70 ticks
TransistorLvl 2Switch × 4
Wire × 15
Reductant × 85
Energy × 8
59 ticks
MicrochipLvl 3Transistor × 2
Composite × 50
Wire × 117
Purifier × 25
Energy × 16
250 ticks
CircuitLvl 4Microchip × 1
Transistor × 5
Switch × 4
Oxidant × 115
Energy × 32
800 ticks
DeviceLvl 5Circuit × 1
Microchip × 3
Crystal × 110
Ghodium melt × 150
Energy × 64
600 ticks
Mystical chain (click to expand)
Concentrate × 3Lvl 1Condensate × 30
Keanium bar × 15
Reductant × 54
Energy × 12
41 ticks
Extract × 2Lvl 2Concentrate × 10
Condensate × 30
Oxidant × 60
Energy × 16
128 ticks
SpiritLvl 3Extract × 2
Concentrate × 6
Reductant × 90
Purifier × 20
Energy × 16
200 ticks
EmanationLvl 4Spirit × 2
Extract × 2
Concentrate × 3
Keanium bar × 112
Energy × 32
800 ticks
EssenceLvl 5Emanation × 1
Spirit × 3
Crystal × 110
Ghodium melt × 150
Energy × 64
600 ticks


Where to get: a StructurePowerBank in "highway" rooms.
How to get: destroy the structure and loot the dropped resource.
Needed for: creating Power Creeps.

See this article for more info: Power.